Constitution of 1962

1 minute read

On February 17, 1960 Ayub Khan appointed a commission to report on the future political framework for the country.

The Commission submitted its report to the government on April 29, 1961.

The constitution was promulgated on March 1, 1962. ,

ayub Khan enacted the new constitution on June 8, 1962.

The Constitution of 1962 had 250 articles.

The Constitution of 1962 had 12 parts.

The Constitution of 1962 had three schedules.

The 1962 Contitution was written constitution.

The 1962 Constitution advocated presidential form of government with absolute powers vested in the president.

According to 1962 Constitution, the term of the president was for five years.

The Constitution of 1962 provided for a unicameral legislature.

According to the 1962 Constitution, the National Assembly was to consist of 156 members, including six women.

In 1962 Constitution, principle of Basic Democracy was introduced for the first time in the country and the system of indirect elections was presented.

In 1962 Constitution, only 80,000 Basic Democrats were given the right to vote in the presidential elections.

According to the Constitution of 1962, the Executive was not separated from the Legislature.

The source of 1962 Constitution was Montesquieu's Theory of separation of Power reflected in USA constitution.

According to the 1962 constitution, federal form of government was introduced in the country with most of the powers reserved for the central government.

The constitution could be amended by two-third majority.

President, according to 1962 Constitution, to be elected by indirect method.

According to the 1962 Constitution, state was named the Republic of Pakistan. of tile

According to the 1962 Constitution, English was declared as the official language country for the first ten years.

in seven years, eight amendments were made in the Constitution of 1962.

Ayub Khan handed over the power to Yaliya Khan on March 25, 1969.

martial law was enforced in the country and the constitution was abrogated on March 25, 1969.

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