Constitution of 1956

2 minute read

Pakistan’s First Constituent Assembly which was elected through the 1946 General Election Consist of:69 Members

The inaugural meeting of first Constituent Assembly was held on : 10th August 1947

Lord Mountbatten addressed the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, at: Karachi

The draft of the 1956 constitution was introduced in the Assembly on January 9, 1956.

The 1956 constitution was passed by the Assembly on February 29, 1956.

The Constitution was adopted and enforced on March 23, 1956.

There were 234 articles of 1956 constitution.

There were 13 parts of constitution.

There 6 schedules of the constitution.

The Constitution of 1956 was a written and flexible constitution.

In 1956 Constitution, Pakistan was declared as an Islamic Republic. (Imp)

In 1956 Constitution, it was made mandatory that only a Muslim could become the President of the country.

In 1956 Constitution, the president was the head of state.

According to 1956 Constitution, any Muslim citizen of Pakistan, who was at least 40 years old, could be elected as the president of Pakistan for the term of five years.

According to 1956 constitution, the prime minister was the leader of the House and the head of cabinet.

In 1956 Constitution, the federal form of government with three lists of subjects: federal, provincial and concurrent was provided.

The Constitution of 1956 provided for parliamentary form of government with a unicameral legislature.

In 1956 Constitution, members of the Assembly were to be elected on the basis of direct elections conducted on the basis of adult franchise.

Urdu and Bengali were declared national language according to 1956 Constitution.

In 1956 Constitution, the National Assembly consisted of 300 members equally divided among two wings of country.

In 1956 Constitution, there were 300 members in both provincial assemblies.

In 1956 Constitution, the principle of parity was established.

The Constitution of 1956 has drawn its inspiration from Westminster-style parliament government.

The 1956 Constitution was abrogated on October 7, 1958.

Ayub Khan took over as president on October 27, 1958.

In State vs. Dosso case, the martial law coup of 1958 was legalized by the Supreme Court.

The province of West Pakistan was created on October 14, 1955 by the merger of the provinces, states and tribal areas of the western wing.

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