National Assembly formed a Constitution Committee on April 17, 1972 to prepare the first draft for framing a constitution.
The report of the Committee was presented with a draft Constitution on December 31, 1972.
The National Assembly of Pakistan passed .the Constitution on April 10, 1973.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto authenticated the constitution on April 12, 1973.
The constitution was ratified unanimously on April 19, 1973.
The Constitution of 1973 was enforced on August 14, 1973.
The 1973 constitution consists of 280 articles.
The 1973 constitution consists of 12 chapters. 0 The 1973 constitution consists of 7 schedules.
The 1973 constitution provided for parliamentary form of government. O Articles 8-28 deal with the fundamental rights and 29-40 deal with the principles of policy.
Articles 41-49 deal with the President and Articles 50-89 deal with the parliament.
Articles 90-100 deal with the federal government.
Articles 101-105 deal with the governors.
Articles 106-128 deal with provincial assemblies and 129-140A with provincial govts.
Articles 141-144 deal with Distribution of Legislative Powers.
Articles 145-152 deal with the Administrative Relations between the Federation and Provinces.
Articles 153-159 deal with the special provisions.
Articles 160-165A deal with finance and 166-171 deal with borrowing and audit.
Articles 172-174 deal with property, contracts, liabilities and suits.
Articels 175-175A deal with the courts.
Articles 176-191 deal with the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Articles 192-203 deal with the high courts.
Articles 203A-203J deal with the Federal Shariat Court. 0 Articles with general provisions relating to the judicature.
Articles 213-221 deal with Chief Election Commissioner and Elections Commission.
Articles 222-226 deal with electoral laws and conduct of elections. 0 Article 227-231 deal with Islamic provisions and Articles 232-237 deal with emergency.
Articles 238-239 deal with amendment of constitution and Articles 240-2S0 deal with Miscellaneous.