11th class english stories

7 minute read

Moral Story Honesty is Best Policy 

Many years ago, there lived a woodcutter in a village. Although he had was poor, had a strong faith in God and blessings of hard work. He earned his living by cutting and selling wood in the town. He used to work day in and day out to earn his bread and butter. He was contented with his lot. One day he was felling a tree growing on the steep bank of a river. Unfortunately, the axe slipped from his hands and fell into the depths of flowing water. The axe was the only source of earning his bread and butter. This unbearable loss was a bolt from the blue for him. As he did not know what to do, he started weeping bitterly.

Meanwhile, an angel happened to pass there. He saw the woodcutter weeping and praying to God. The angel was deeply moved by the miserable condition of the woodcutter. He approached the woodcutter and asked the reason for his misery. The woodcutter sobbed out the whole sad story. He requested the angel to help him as he was the sole breadwinner of his family. The angel felt sorry for the woodcutter and assured him of his help. The angel dived into the river in order to find out the lost axe. He appeared from the water with a gold axe in his hand. But the woodcutter refused to get it and sadly that it was not his ace.

Honesty is the best chapter in the book of wisdom.

angel dived into the water for the second time. Now he appeared with an axe that was made of silver. The poor woodcutter was still sad. He shook his head still harder and implored to find out own axe that was made of iron.

No legacy is so rich as honesty.

The third time the angel came out of the water with an iron axe in his hand. Beaming with joy, the woodcutter cried on the top of his voice, “this axe belongs to me”. He thanked the angel for helping him. The angel was greatly impressed by his honesty. He gave him all the three aces as a reward of his honesty.

Possible Morals:

  1. Honesty is the best policy.
  2. Virtue is its own reward.

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed 

Once upon a time, there lived two friends in a village. One of them was sharp and selfish while the other was innocent and selfless. They were living in abject poverty. So, one day they decided to try their luck in some other city. They set off on a journey to materialize their dreams. They passed through a forest. Chatting and laughing, they covered most of the journey peacefully. Once or twice they were in danger but they faced the dangers manfully. But one of the incidents proved that fair-weather friends leave in the lurch. One day when they were passing through a thick part of the forest, they came across a bear. The sharp and selfish friend took to his heels and climbed up a tree, leaving his friend in danger. But the other one could not find time to climb up a tree.

In the listlessness of despair, he lay on the ground and held his breath. He pretended to be dead and started praying to God for his life. The bear sniffed him from head to toe, but he did not move at all considering him dead, the bear left him unharmed and went away into the forest. When the bear was well out of sight, the first friend climbed down the tree and came to his friend he asked in mocking tone what the bear was saying into his ear. The friend, who was grieved at the selfishness of his friend disliked his tone. He replied angrily that the bear advised him never to trust a fair-weather friend who always leaves in the lurch. So, be careful in making friends. With these words, he said his friend goodbye forever and went away alone to reach his destination.

Possible Morals:

  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  2. Beware of selfish friends.

The Union is Strength Short Story 

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a certain village. He had three sons. They used to quarrel with one another. He often advised them not to quarrel, but it was all in vain. This pained him very much. He fell ill. He thought his end was near. He sent for his sons. When they came, he asked one of them to bring some sticks and ride them into a bundle. He asked his sons to break the bundle. They tried hard one by one but failed. The farmer then untied the bundle. He gave one stick to each of his sons. He asked them to break the sticks. Each broke the sticks easily. The farmer then advised them that if they were united like sticks, no one would harm them. This had the desired effect on them. They began to live peacefully.

The Farmer and his Sons Story Moral:

  • Union is Strength.
  • United We Stand, Divided we Fall.

Short Story the Bee and the Dove 

A bee once fell into a pond. It was going to drown. A dove saw that the bee was dying. She plucked a large leaf. She dropped it into the water near the bee. The bee climbed into the leaf, dried its wings, and flew to its hive safe and sound. It was thanks to the dove for her kindness. It wished to do her a good return.

A few days later, the dove was sitting on the branch of a tree. A hunter was taking aim at her with his gun. The bee arrived at the nick of time. It saw the danger, the dove was in. at once it sat upon the hunter’s hand and stung. He moved his hand with pain and missed the aim. The dove flew away in safety thanking the bee.

The Dove and the Bee Story Moral:

The Moral of this story is “Do Good, Have Good”.

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap Moral Story 

A long time ago, there lived three friends in a village which was quite backward and remote from the city. The three friends were uneducated as well as unemployed because the village was devoid of all such possibilities. As all of them were quite grown up and strong but jobless, they felt ashamed because their parents and relatives considered them an extra burden to their limited resources budget. In short, things were never favourable for them in the village and hence, they had got frustrated.


One day, the three friends decided to leave the village for a city in order to get employed there. They wanted to work hard and prove to the world that they were no more useless white elephants. So one early morning they left the village and started for the city. On their way, they had to pass through a dense forest. So, they decided to side with one another through every thick and thin so that they might reach the city safe and sound.


When they were only half way through the forest, they saw a glittering object a few meters away from them. They rushed and picked it up. It was a golden bag with a lot of gold in it. They were overjoyed with happiness because they had become rich in the blink of an eye. They were feeling very hungry. One of them offered to bring food from the nearby town. They agreed unanimously that first they should take a meal and then divide the gold equally among themselves.

Accordingly, one of the friends went to buy some food and the other two laid down under the shade of trees. On the way to the nearby town, the third fried thought that he might get all the gold if he killed the other two by poisoning the food. So, his greediness compelled him to poison the food and he came back with a devilish will.


On the other hand, the other two also worked out on the same lines. They planned to kill their friend on his coming back and divide the gold equally. When the third friend reached with food the other two killed him. Afterwards, they sat down to eat the poisoned meal calmly. They were very excited and impatient about the gold, so they ate heartily the whole meal. Then they began to divide the gold among themselves but before they could do anything, the poison did everything and they lay down dead with the gold and golden bag laughing and mocking at them for their greed and ill-will.

Possible Morals:

  1. Greed is a curse.
  2. As you sow, so shall you reap.
  3. He who digs a pit for others falls into it himself. 

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