Water Resources DAMS OF PAKISTAN

2 minute read

Tarbela dam is the largest earth-filled dam in the world. •

Tarbela dam is built over the River Indus.

Tarbela dam was completed in 1976.

Tarbela dam is located in Haripur - Hazara, Khyber PalchtunIchwa.

The dam has a height of 470 ft (143 m) above the river bed.

It has a reservoir size of 250 km (97 sq mi).

The total catchment area of Tarbela dam is 169,600 1:m2.

The length of crest is 9000 ft (2743 meters).

The installed generation capacity of Tarbela dam is 4888 MW.

Mangla dam was constructed in 1967.

Mangla dam is built on the Jhelum River.

Mangla dam is the. first-ever mega multipurpose project in Pakistan.

The height of Mangla dam is 147 m (482 ft).

The Mangla dam is about 10,300 feet (3,140 metres) wide at its crest.

The total capacity of Mangla dam is 9.12 km' (7,390,000 acre ft).

Warsak Dam is located on Kabul River.

Warask Hydroelectric Power Project was completed under Colombo Plan in two phases financed by Canadian govt.

the total power generation capacity of the warsak dam Hydroelectric Power Was 243 megawatt.

The height of Warsak darn is 250 ft.

length of Warsak dam is 460 ft.

The storage capacity of Warsak dam is 25300 acre ft.

mirani dam is the largest dam in the world in terms of volume for flood protection with flood stock of 588,690 cubic hectometer.

mirani dam is constructed across Dasht River at the confluence of Kech and Nehing rivers, Balochistan.

Total height of the darn is 127 ft from ground.

The length of Mirani river is 3350 fl.

Khanpur dam was completed in 1983.

Khanpur dam is a earth and rockfill dam built on the Haro River.

The height Khanpur dam is 167

the storage capacity of Khanpur dam is 110,000 acre ft.

Satpara dam is built on Satpara lake in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Satpara dam generates hydroelectricity of 17.36 MW.

Gomal Zam dam is a multipurpose gravity dam in South Waziristan.

Gomal Zans dam is being built on Gomal River.

The dam is 437 ft high.

The Gomal Zam dam will generate 17.4 MW of cheap hydel energy.

Hub dam is located on the Hub river.

Kalabagh darn is proposed to be built on Indsis rives at Kalabagh in the Mianwali.

It is planned to a maximum capacity 3600 MW of electricity.

Diamer Bhasha is a multipurpose mega dam project planned to be developed on the Indus River, in Khyber Palchtunkhwn and Gilgit-Baltistan.

The projects foundation stone was laid in 2011.

Standing 272m-tall, Diamer Bhasha is also expected to be one of the tallest dams in the world.

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