What is the total area of Pakistan? 796,096 sq km
Name the area which separates Pakistan from Central Asian States Wakhan
The area Baluchistan makes up _____ per cent of Pakistan: 43
Land situated between two rivers is known: Doab
The climate of Pakistan is mostly referred as Hot and dry
In which province of the Pakistan there is no desert? K.P.K
Which desert of Punjab is the continuation of the Thar Desert in Sindh and Rajasthan Desert in India? Cholistan
What is the total area of Punjab? 205344 sq m
In which province of Pakistan, the desert of Thal lies? Punjab
Geographically Pakistan is located in: South Asia
What is the total area of Sindh? 140,914 sq km (Correct)
What is the total area of Baluchistan? 347,190 sq km
What is the total area of KPK? 74,521 sq km
What is the total area of Islamabad? 906 sq km
What is the total area of FATA? 27,220 sq km (Correct)
Pakistan lies between the latitudes 24ï‚°N to 37ï‚°N
Pakistan lies between the longitudes 61ï‚°E to 75.5ï‚°E
The Border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is called Durand line
What is the total area of Azad Kashmir? 13,297 sq km
What is the total length of Pak-China boundary line? 595 kilometers
What is the total length of Pak-Afghan boundary line? 2252 kilometers
What is the total length of Pak-Iran boundary line? 805 kilometers
Which is the largest desert of Pakistan? Thar
Which is located North and North East of Pakistan? China
Which is located East of Pakistan? India
Which is located West of Pakistan? Afghanistan
Which is located in South of Pakistan? Indian Ocean
Which is the hottest place in Pakistan? acobabad
Which of places is the rainiest of Pakistan? Murree
In which province of Pakistan, the desert of Thar lies? Sindh
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