The full name of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was Ab al-Qasim Muhammad ibn e Abd Allah ibn e Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim.

The title of the Holy Prophet was al-Sadiq, al-Ameen.

Al-Ameen means trustworthy.

The Holy Prophet was a descendant of the Prophet Ismail, the son of Prophet Ibrahim.

The Holy Prophet was born in the Year of Elephant.

The Holy Prophet belonged to the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to Hashmi family?

The name of the mother of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Aminah bint Wahb

Hazrat Amina bint Wahb was born in 549 CE in Makkah.

Hazrat Amina belonged to Banu Zohra.

The name of Hazrat Amina's father was Wahb bin Abd Manaf.

The name of Hazrat Amina's mother was Barrah bin Abdul Uzza.

Hazrat Amina bin Wahb was buried at Al-Abwa.

Hazrat Amina died when the Holy Prophet was only six years old.

The name of the father of the Holy Prophet was Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib

Hazrat Abdullah was born in 546 A.D.

The name of the father of Hazrat Abdullah was Hazrat Abd al-Muttalib

The name of the mother of Hazrat Abdullah was Fatimah bint Amr.

The foster parents of the holy prophet were haleema.

The Holy Prophet had two foster mothers.

Hazrat Suaiba(Sobia) Aslamiyyah was the first foster-mother the Holy Prophrzt

Hazrat Halima Sadia was the second foster-mother of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Surname of llaleema Sadia was Ummay Kabtah.

Halima Sadia belonged to Banu sa'ad tribe.

Hazrat Halcema looked after Holy Prophet for 4 years.

The Holy Prophet had two foster sisters.

The foster-sisters of the Holy Prophet were Sheema bint Harith and Aneesa bint Harith.

The Holy Prophet had five foster-brothers.

The foster-brothers of the Holy Prophet were Syed-ul-Shuhada - Hazrat Hamza- Abu Salma Abdullah bin Abdul Asad- Masrooh bin Suwaibah- Abdulah bin Harith- Hafs bin harith.

The name of the paternal grandfather of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was Abd al-Muttalib Shaybah ibn Hashim.

Abdul Muttalib ibn Hashim was born in 480 A.D.

Abdul Muttalib ibn hashim belonged to Banu hashim.

Abdul Muttalib died in 578 Al,

Abd al-Muttalib was buried in Jannat-ui-Mualla.

The name of the paternal grandmother of the Holy Prophet was Fatima bint Amr.

The name of the maternal grandfather of the Holy Prophet was Wahb ibn 'Abd Manaf ibn Zuhrah ibn Kilab ibn Murrah.

The name of the maternal grandmother of the Holy Prophetwas Barrah bint Abd al-Uzza ibn Ullman ibn Abd-al-Daar ibn Qusai ibn Kilab.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had 11 parental uncles.

Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib was the first parental uncle of the Holy Prophet

Al-'Abbas ibn 'Abdul-Mutallib was the second paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet

Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttallib also known as Abu Yali and Abu Ammar was the third parental uncle of the ho1v Prophet.

Hamza Ibn Abdul-Muttallib was two years older than holy prophet.

Hazrat 1 Hamzah bin Abdul Mutlib was the first commander-in-chief of the Islamic Army,

Hamza ibn Abdul Muttallib was martyred at the hands of Washi ibn Harb.

Hamza ibn Abdul Muttallib was killed in 625 A.D. in the battle of Uhad.

Hajal ibn `Abdul-Mutallib was the fourth paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet.

Hajal ibn Abdul Muttalib was the fifth paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet.

Al-Harith (Haris) ibn Abd al-Muttalib was the sixth paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet.

Az-Zubayr ibn Abd al-Muttalib was the seventh paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet

Zarar ibn Abdul-Muttalib was the eighth paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet.

Al-Muqawwim ibn Abdul-Muttalib was the ninth paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet.

Mus'ab al-Ghaydaq ibn Abdul-Muttalib was the tenth. paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet

Abu Lahab was the eleventh paternal uncle of the Holy Prophet

The Holy Prophet had 6 paternal aunts.

Safiyya bint Abdul Muttalib was the first parental aunt of the Holy Prophet.

Umm Hakim bint Abdul Muttalib was the second paternal aunt of the Holy Prophet.

Arwa bint Abdul Muttalib was the third paternal aunt of the Holy Prophet .

Atika bint Abdul Muttalib was the fourth parental aunt of the Holy Prophet.

Umayina bint Abd al-Muttalib was the fifth parental aunt of the Holy Prophet.

Barrah bint Abdul Muttalib was the sixth paternal aunt of the Holy Prophet (rt-,..1i),J,66.701.

The Holy Prophet had 2 paternal cousins.

Abdullah ibn Abbas was the paternal cousin of the Holy Prophet.

Ali bin Abu Talib was the paternal cousin of the Holy Prophet.


The Holy Prophet had 4 daughters.

The eldest daughter of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Zainab

Hazrat Zainab married her maternal cousin, Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi'.

Hazrat Zainab and Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi'had two children.

Ali bin Zainab was the son of Hazrat Zainab and Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi'.

Umarnah hint Zainab was the daughter of Hazrat Zainab and Abu al-As ibn al-Rabit.

The second daughter of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Ruqayya.

Hazrat Ruqaya married Hazrat Uthman bin Affan.

The third daughter of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Umme-Kulsoom.

Hazrat Umm-c-Kulsoom married Hazrat Uthman bin Affan.

The youngest daughter of the holy Prophet was Hazrat Fatima.

Hazrat Fatima was born in 605 AD in Makkah.

Hazrat Fatima is known as Khatoon-c-Jannat.

Hzrat Fatima married Hazrat All ibn Talib in 623 A.D.

Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima had three sons, Hazrat Hassan Hazrat Hussain and Hazrat Moshin

Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatima had two daughters, Zainab and Umme-Kulsoom.

Hazrat Fatima died after 6 months of the Holy Prophet


The HOly Prophet had 3 sons.

The eldest son of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Qasim

The second son of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Abdullah.

Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah are buried in Janat-al-Mualla.

The youngest son of the Holy Prophet was Hazrat Ibrahim.


The Holy Prophethad 3 sons-in-law.

The first son in law of the Holy Prophet was Uthman bin Affan

The second son-in-law of the Holy Prophet was Ali ibn Abu Talib

The third son-in-law of the Holy Prophet was Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi'

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