First in Islam (Islamic Study MCQs)


Hazrat Hazrat Usman (R.a) was the First Hafiz of the Holy Quran

The first woman embraced Islam: Hazrat Khadija

The first grown-up man embraced Islam: Hazrat Abu Bak Siddique

Who accepted Islam first in Children? Hazrat Ali (RA)

The first mosque: Quba Mosque in Medina

Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the first slave to accept Islam.

The first martyred woman: Hazrat Sammia

In which Battle Muslim women participated for the first time? Uhad battle

The first battle fought with the mushrageen: Battle of Badr

The first battle for which a trench was dug: Battle of Khandaq (also called battle of Ahzab)

The first Caliph of Islam: Hazrat Abu Bakr Sicrdique

The first martyred man: Hazrat Hans ibn-i-Ali

The first written constitution: Misaq-i-Medina

Bilal called first aazan of Fajr prayer.

Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born.

Hazrat Asad died first among the Sahabah.

The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara (radi Allahu anhu).

The first Namaaz to be made Fardh was Tahajjud Namaaz, which was later made Nafil.

At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established.

First non-arab to embrace Islam Farwah bin Umro

Hazrat Asad bin Zarra (RA) died first among the Sahabah.

First Moazin of Islam, Hazrat Bilal.

The first muezzin of Islam: Hazrat Bilal

Name of the first Caliph of Islam who introduced the Jail Department? Hazrat Umar (R.A)

The first mosque in the history of Islam? Masjid e Quba

The first poet who read Na'at: Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit

First man to embrace Islam on the eve of Fatah-e-Makka was Abu Sufyan

The first poet of Islam is Hazrat Hasaan ibn e sabit (رضہ)

First woman to lead an Islamic army Ayesha (Jange Jamal)

First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English ?Abdul Hakeem

The first mosque collapsed by the order of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Zarar. It was built by the munafageen.

The first sahabi whose name is mentioned in the Holy Quran: Hazrat Zaid ibn Harith

the fasting was made obligatory for the Muslims in 2 Hijri.

Hazrat Omar (RA) first conceived and organised the establishment of the Public Treasury in 15 A.H 638 A.D..

The first Haj was performed in 9 Hijri under the leadership of Hazrat Abu Bakr.

Who for the first time translated the Holy Quran in sindhi language —-? Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi.

Who put circles for the first time in Quran-e-Pak? Hazart Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali RA

The Prophets (SAW) first migration was to ______.Abyssinia (Ethopia)

Who was the first person who counted the Aayath (verses) of the Quran? Hazart Ayesha(رضہ)

Name the first woman , after Hazrat Khadija embraced Islam. Hazrat Labala bint Haris

Which is the oldest and largest mosque in the world? Great Mosque of Mecca.

What was the age of Rasool Ullah (PBUH) at the time of first Wahi? 40 years 6 months

Name The First Female False Prophetess? Sajah

Name the first person who received three blows of arrows during prayer but did not discontinue his prayer? Hazrat Abaad bin Bashar (RA)

First time In which language Quran was translated: Persian

First Azan was called out in___ A.H. 1 A.H.

Who translated the Holy Quran in Urdu for the first time_____?

First _____ Aayat of Holy Quraan are called Tawwal: Seven

Shah Abdul Qadir & Shah Rafiuddin

On which place, first Wahi was descended? Hira Cave

The Wahi was sent in the month of __?.Ramzan

First Ghazwah of Islam was Widan (Abwa), fought in 12th month of First Hijrah.

When the first wahi was revealed to the Holy Prophet ﷺ? 610AD

The first Charter of Human Rights is? Khutba-Hajjat-ul-Vida

Who was the first one to embrace Islam in the land of Yemen? Hazrat Zoaib bin Khabain (RA)

The first Ummayed Caliph was ___ Ameer Muawiyah (رضہ)

Who introduced the jail system? Hazrat Umar (R.A)

The first Msjid built by Muhammad is Masjid e Quba

Who threw the first arrow for Islam ? Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas

Name the first non-Arab Muslim who accepted Islam first? Hazrat Farwah Bin Umro Al Jazami RA

Who was the first writer of “Wahi” in Quraish? Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)

Who firstly arranged and wrote the Quran on paper in book form? Hazart Zaid bin sabit (رضہ)

Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the first time : Hazrat Hamza (رضہ)

Who was the first poet who was rewarded by Holy Prophet PBUH? Kaab Bin Zuhair

The first masjid (Mosque) on the surface of earth is: Masjid-ul-Haram.

How many verses (Ayats) were in first Wahi? 5

Who builds the first structure of the Holy Kaaba? Hazrat Adam AS

Which is first Madni Surah in Quran? Surah e Fatiha

Who was the Prophet which first laid the foundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa? Hazart Ibrahim ( A.S)

At Masjid e ___first Muslim university was established: Nabvi

Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him offered Eid Prayer for the first time in_____? 2nd Hijrah

Who was the first Muslim Caliph of Spain? Abd Ar Rehman Ad-Dakhil

Who was the first person from Madina to accept Islam? Hazrat Suwaid bin Samit R.A

Who was the first person to offer Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet (SA W). Khadija (رضہ)

Who was the first preacher of Islam appointed by Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ for the people of Madina? Hazrat Musab ibn Umair (RA)

Who proposed Azan for the first time? Hazrat Umer

The first census of Islamic world in ____ period? Hazrat Umar

First complete Madani Surah is? Al-Baqarah

Who was the first lady inspector of Madinah appointed by Hazrat Umar (رضہ) ?Umm Al-shifaa bint Abdullah

In what surah the first verse in the Holy Quran revealed? Al-Alaq

Who will be first person questioned on Day of Qiyamat? Jibreel (A.S)

Which was the first institution of Islam? Suffah

Who was the first child born after the migration (hijrah)? Abdul bin Zubair (R.A)

Which is the oldest and the first Islamic cemetery in the World? Jannat al-Baqīʿ

The first person sent to spread Islam under the instructions of the Prophet was Mus'ab bin Umair who was sent to Madinah.

The first person to make Ijtihaad was Abu Bakr Siddique

Hazrat Abu Zirr Ghaffari is known as the first Dervish.

Abdullah ibn Maz’oom:first person buried in Jannatul Baqi.

Hazrat Umar was the first person to perform Janazah Salat in Jamaat with four Takbeers.

First census of Islamic world in Umer’s period.

The first person to become murtad (out of the folds of Islam) was either Muqees bin Khubaaba or Ubaidullah bin Jahash.

Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed, the first writer of Wahy.

Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the first commentator of the Quran and also known as interpreter of the Quaran.

From amongst the animals, the first animal to be brought back to life will be the Buraaq of Prophet Muhammad.

The first Ibaadat on earth was Tauba (repentance).

The first Mujaddid of Islam is Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz.

First book of Hadith compiled was Muata by Imam Malik.

First collection of Ahadith is Sahifah-eSaadiqa.

First revealed surah was Al Alaq, 96 in arrangement.

First complete Madni Surah is Baqarah.

First man to recite Quran in Makkah: Abdullah bin Masood.

Taurat was the first revealed book.

First seven aayats of quran are called Tawwal.

First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is Khalifa Abdul Hakeem.

First seven aayats of quran are called Tawwal.

First Surah compilation wise is Surah Fatiha.

First surah revealed in Madina was surah Fatiha.

first Sindhi translation of Quran by Aakhund Azizullah Halai

The first person to be put into Hell will be Qaabil.

Hazrat Adam built first mosque on earth.

Idrees was the first man to learn to write.

Masjid Al Aqsa is the first Mosque ever built on the earth.

First woman martyr Samiya by Abu Jahl.

First man martyr Haris bin Abi Hala.

Battle of Mauta was the first non Arab War.

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