English Synonyms


English Synonyms List With A

Amplify ~ Augment, deepen

Abandon ~ Desert, forsake

Acumen ~ Awareness, brilliance

Abject ~ Despicable, servile

Admonish ~ Counsel, reprove

Amateur ~ Beginner, novice

Abortive ~ Vain, unproductive

Able ~ Capable, qualified

Achieve ~ Accomplish, attain

Abolish ~ Abrogate, annual

Authentic ~ Accurate, credible

Approve ~ Accept, ratify, endorse

Allure ~ Entice, fascinate

Abundant ~ Ample, sufficient

Accurate ~ Correct, right

Adhere ~ Comply, observe

Audacity ~ Boldness, courage

Axiom ~ Adage, truism

Abound ~ Flourish, proliferate

Awkward ~ Clumsy, uncoordinated

Active ~ Energetic, animated, lively

Alleviate ~ Abate, relieve

Ascend ~ Climb, escalate

Ambitious ~ Aspiring, driven

Adamant ~ Firm, unyielding

Accord ~ Agreement, harmony

Abash ~ Disconcert, rattle

Awful ~ Dreadful, atrocious

Aggressive ~ Assertive, pushy, militant

Synonyms List With B

Bustle ~ Commotion, tumult

Baroque ~ Florid, gilt

Bleak ~ Austere, blank

Barrier ~ Barricade, obstacle

Boisterous ~ Clamorous, rowdy

Brittle ~ Breakable, crisp

Believe ~ Trust, accept

Bawdy ~ Erotic, coarse

Bewitching ~ Alluring, charming

Befogged ~ Becloud, dim

Busy ~ Active, engaged

Brave ~ Courageous, bold, heroic

Benevolent ~ Benign, generous

Best ~ Finest, choice

Blunt ~ Dull, insensitive

Below ~ Under, lower

Birth ~ Beginning

Bottom ~ Base, foundation

Broad ~ Wide, expansive

Blend ~ Combine, mix

Benign ~ Favorable, friendly

Barren ~ Desolate, sterile

Baffle ~ Astound, faze

Bold ~ Adventurous

Synonyms List With C

Considerate ~ Thoughtful, sympathetic, mindful

Comical ~ Amusing, funny, humorous

Confess ~ Admit, acknowledge

Cover ~ Conceal, hide

Concur ~ Agree, cooperate

Constantly ~ Always, continually

Confident ~ Bold, undaunted

Clarify ~ Explain, simplify

Competent ~ Capable, qualified

Comprehend ~ Understand, grasp

Conscious ~ Aware, cognizant

Conventional ~ Customary, traditional

Calumny ~ Defamation, aspersion

Conceit ~ Egotism, immodesty

Comic ~ Clown, ester

Combine ~ Bled, unite, join

Contradict ~ Deny, oppose

Confine ~ Contain, enclose, restrain

Cozy ~ Comfortable, snug, homey

Correct ~ Accurate, right, proper

Cheap ~ Competitive, inexpensive

Concede ~ Yield, permit

Charming ~ Delightful, appealing, enchanting

Capture ~ Apprehend, seize, arrest

Consequence ~ Effect, outcome

Courage ~ Bravery, valor

Compress ~ Abbreviate, shrink

Chilly ~ Cool, nippy

Clandestine ~ Covert, fruitive

Compact ~ Bunched, thick

Calculating ~ Canny, devious

Care ~ Concern, protection

Capable ~ Competent, able

Conform ~ Comply, submit

Conflict ~ Fight, battle, struggle

Candid ~ Blunt, bluff

Consolidate ~ Centralize, fortify

Condense ~ Compress, concentrate

Calamity ~ Adversity, misfortune

Contrary ~ Dissimilar, conflicting

Careful ~ Cautious, watchful

Cranky ~ Cross, irritable

Camouflage ~ Cloak, disguise

Coarse ~ Bawdy, boorish

Confuse ~ Complicate, muddle, jumble

Chaste ~ Virtuous, pure

Complex ~ Complicated, intricate

Concord ~ Agreement, accord

Condemn ~ Censure, denounce

Conservative ~ Cautious, restrained

Cunning ~ Acute, smart

Captivate ~ Charm, fascinate

Carnal ~ Earthly, fleshly

Colossal ~ Enormous, immense, mammoth

Celebrated ~ Acclaimed, lionized

Consent ~ Agree, permit

Synonyms List With D

Dull ~ Blunt, dreary

Daring ~ Bold, audacious

Different ~ Distinct, unlike

Dawn ~ Daybreak, sunrise

Disdain ~ Detest, despise

Dry ~ Arid, parched

Deliberate ~ Cautious, intentional

Deceit ~ Deception, artifice

Destructive ~ Catastrophic, pernicious

Defile ~ Contaminate, pollute

Dwarf ~ Diminutive, petite

Drab ~ Dull, lifeless

Deprive ~ Despoil, divest

Despair ~ Depression, misery

Disagree ~ Differ, dispute

Denounce ~ Blame, censure, indict

Die ~ Expire, perish

Diverse ~ Different, distinct

Dubious ~ Doubtful, questionable

Diminish ~ Curtail, lessen, decrease

Desolate ~ Barren, forsaken

Dark ~ Dismal, black

Dangerous ~ Unsafe, hazardous, perilous

Dispute ~ Debate, oppose

Synonyms List With E

Ecstasy ~ Delight, exultation

Excite ~ Arouse, provoke, incite

Eloquence ~ Expression, fluency

Extravagant ~ Extreme, excessive, luxurious

Enlarge ~ Expand, magnify

Empty ~ Drain, unload

Evident ~ Apparent, obvious, clear

Endeavor ~ Undertake, aspire

Equivocal ~ Uncertain, hazy

Eternal ~ Always, perpetual, everlasting

Exquisite ~ Delightful, charming, lovely

Enormous ~ Vast, immense, colossal

Evil ~ Bad, wrong, wicked

Explicit ~ Exact, distinct, unmistakable

Eradicate ~ Destroy, exterminate

Efface ~ Destroy, obliterate

Eclipse ~ Diminution, dimming

Synonyms List With F

Face ~ Confront, meet

Frank ~ Candid, straightforward, blunt

Fancy ~ Elaborate, ornate, fussy

Friend ~ Comrade, buddy

Future ~ Coming, tomorrow

Fatigue ~ Tire, exhaust

Fat ~ Chubby, plump, stout

Foe ~ Enemy, adversary, opponent

Fatal ~ Deadly, mortal, killing

Furious ~ Angry, enraged, infuriated

Fiction ~ Fantasy, untruth, myth

Fluctuate ~ Deflect, vacillate

Fresh ~ Unused, new

Ferocious ~ Fierce, savage, brutal, savage

Forsake ~ Desert, renounce

Frugality ~ Economy, providence

Frantic ~ Violent, agitated

Flaw ~ Defect, fault, blemish

Fallacy ~ Delusion, mistake

Fabricate ~ Construct, produce

Frivolous ~ Trivial, unimportant, silly

Synonyms List With G, H And I

Gallant ~ Chivalrous, stately

Give ~ Donate, present, offer

Gather ~ Collect, accumulate, compile

Guile ~ Cunning, deceit

Genuine ~ Absolute, factual

Gracious ~ Courteous, beneficent

Glory ~ Dignity, renown

Generosity ~ Altruism, bounty

Gain ~ Acquire, obtain, receive

Gloomy ~ Dark, dismal, depressing

Grisly ~ Disgusting, atrocious

Hypocrisy ~ Deception, pharisaic

Honest ~ Truthful, sincere, frank

Humiliate ~ Embarrass, disgrace, dishonor

Huge ~ Vast, immense, great

Haughty ~ Arrogant, pompous

Harmony ~ Conformity, amicability

Help ~ Aid, assist

High ~ Elevated, lofty

Hamstrung ~ Cripple debilitate

Handy ~ Useful, convenient, skillful

Honor ~ Adoration, reverence

Hasty ~ Abrupt, impetuous

Hapless ~ Unfortunate, ill fated

Hostile ~ Antagonistic, aggressive, militant

Hard ~ Firm, solid, difficult

Intolerant ~ Bigoted, prejudiced

Ignorant ~ Uninformed, unaware

Inevitable ~ Unavoidable, ascertained

Immature ~ Childish, inexperienced

Infuriate ~ Enrage, agitate, provoke

Intelligent ~ Bright, sensible, rational

Impenitent ~ Uncontrived, obdurate

Impair ~ Diminish, deteriorate

Indifferent ~ Equitable, haughty

Impatient ~ Eager, anxious, intolerant

Irritate ~ Annoy, agitate, provoke

Intriguing ~ Fascinating, enthralling

Insinuate ~ Allude, hint

Impulsive ~ Flaky, impetuous

Inclination ~ Disposition, affection

Infringe ~ Violate, encroach

Invincible ~ Unconquerable, impregnable

Imperative ~ Compulsory, crucial, mandatory

Indigent ~ Destitute, impoverished

Insane ~ Crazy, deranged, mad

Invective ~ Accusation, censure

Interesting ~ Enchanting, riveting

Infernal ~ Damned, accursed

Impute ~ Attribute, ascribe

Immaculate ~ Exquisite, impeccable

Identical ~ Alike, duplicate

Ingenious ~ Clever, creative, original

Synonyms List With J, K And L

Join ~ Connect, unite, link

Jejune ~ Dull, boring

Jaded ~ Tired, exhausted

Justify ~ Defend, exculpate

Knotty ~ Complicated difficult

Knell ~ Death knell, last blow

Knave ~ Dishonest, scoundrel

Kind ~ Considerate, tender, thoughtful

Large ~ Big, massive, huge

Lavish ~ Abundant, excessive

Lure ~ Attract, entice

Luxurious ~ Extravagant, elegant

Liable ~ Accountable, bound

Lenient ~ Compassionate, merciful

Lunacy ~ Delusion, insanity

Least ~ Fewest, minimum, smallest

Last ~ Final, end

Synonyms List With M, N And O

Monotonous ~ Boring, tedious dreary, humdrum

Magnify ~ Expand, enlarge, exaggerate

Militant ~ Combative, aggressive, warlike

Mysterious ~ Elusive, occult, secret

Moral ~ Ethical, virtuous, righteous

Mediocre ~ Fair, moderate, so so

Mitigate ~ Alleviate, relieve

Malice ~ Vengefulness, grudge

Morbid ~ Appalling, awful, ghastly

Mean ~ Unkind, malicious, nasty

Murky ~ Dusky, dreary

Mollify ~ Appease, assuage

Migrant ~ Drifting, traveling, transient

Novice ~ Tyro, beginner

Negligent ~ Careless, derelict, inattentive

Noxious ~ Baneful, injurious

Nullify ~ Cancel, annual

New ~ Unused, fresh, modern

Neat ~ Clean, orderly, tidy

Notion ~ Conceit, apprehension

Naughty ~ Bad, disobedient, wrong

Obliging ~ Complaisant, willing

Outstanding ~ Extraordinary, distinguished

Ornamental ~ Decorative, adorned

Offensive ~ Abhorrent, obnoxious

Observe ~ Examine, study, scrutinize

Obtain ~ Access, inherit

Ominous ~ Threatening, menacing

Obscure ~ Arcane, vague

Offend ~ Displease, affront, disgust

Offspring ~ Descendant, sibling

Opponent ~ Enemy, rival, foe

Obvious ~ Evident, apparent

Oracular ~ Cryptic, vague

Open ~ Begin, unfold, originate

Oblivious ~ Unconscious, preoccupied, dazed

Ordinary ~ Usual, average

Obsolete ~ Extinct, dated, antiquated

Outbreak ~ Eruption, insurrection

Synonyms List With P, Q And R

Perturbed ~ Flustered, anxious

Pamper ~ Flatter, indulge

Placid ~ Tranquil, calm

Possible ~ Conceivable, feasible, plausible

Persuade ~ Convince, influence

Passive ~ Compliant, submissive, yielding

Precious ~ Cherished, valuable, prized

Plausible ~ Believable, reasonable, logical

Prominent ~ Distinguished, eminent

Preserve ~ Uphold, guard, save

Prudence ~ Vigilance, discretion

Precarious ~ Doubtful, insecure

Precarious ~ Dangerous, uncertain, shaky

Plentiful ~ Ample, enough, abundant

Premature ~ Early, hasty

Perfect ~ Flawless, accurate

Permanent ~ Enduring, lasting

Poor ~ Destitute, needy, impoverished

Pertness ~ Flippancy, impudence

Perpetual ~ Eternal, endless, incessant

Proud ~ Arrogant, elated

Prevalent ~ Customary, widespread

Pacify ~ Appease, chasten

Prejudiced ~ Biased, opinionated, influenced

Patience ~ Tolerance, perseverance

Prosperous ~ Thriving, successful, flourishing

Prevent ~ Thwart, prohibit, hinder

Quit ~ Cease, stop, withdraw

Qualified ~ Competent, suited, capable

Quibble ~ Equivocate, prevaricate

Raze ~ Destroy, demolish

Remonstrate ~ Censure, protest

Rectify ~ Amend, remedy

Ravage ~ Devastate, ruin, damage

Regulate ~ Control, oversee, handle

Resentment ~ Displeasure, wrath

Recreation ~ Amusement, pleasure, pastime

Reluctant ~ Cautious, averse

Rescind ~ Annul, abrogate

Ratify ~ Approve, confirm, endorse

Retaliate ~ Avenge, revenge, reciprocate

Reliable ~ Trustworthy, steadfast, stable

Rout ~ Vanquish, overthrow

Restrain ~ Detain, confine


Reason ~ Acumen, bounds

Rowdy ~ Boisterous, rambunctious

Refute ~ Contradict, dispute

synonyms list

Synonyms List With S, T And U

Sterile ~ Barren, impotent

Surplus ~ Excess, additional, extra

Steep ~ Course, lofty

Spurious ~ Fake, counterfeit

Stupid ~ Unintelligent, dense, foolish

Sufficient ~ Ample, enough, adequate

Slander ~ Defame, malign

Stationary ~ Fixed, immobile, firm

Sad ~ Unhappy, dejected, gloomy

Separate ~ Divide, segregate, partition

Solicit ~ Entreat, implore

Special ~ Exceptional, notable, particular

Stain ~ Blemish, tarnish

Shrewd ~ Cunning, craftly

Subvert ~ Demolish, sabotage

Subterfuge ~ Deceit, stratagem

Squalid ~ Dirty, filthy

Strenuous ~ Vigorous, laborious

Substantial ~ Considerable, solid

Seize ~ Apprehend, grab, snatch

Swift ~ Fast, speedy, hasty

Shy ~ Bashful, timid

Succinct ~ Concise, terse

Sacred ~ Cherish, divine

Savage ~ Wild, untamed

Tyro ~ Beginner, riotous

Tame ~ Compliant, subdued

Temperate ~ Cool, moderate

Transparent ~ Diaphanous

Tumultuous ~ Violent, riotous

Trenchant ~ Assertive, forceful

Throng ~ Assembly, crowd

Turbulent ~ Tumultuous, blustering, violent

Treacherous ~ Dishonest, duplicitous

Timid ~ Diffident, coward

Terrible ~ Dreadful, horrible, vile

Tremble ~ Vibrate

Tenement ~ Apartment, digs

Thick ~ Chunky, massive

Turmoil ~ Commotion, disturbance, fracas

Tender ~ Delicate, gentle, affectionate

Trivial ~ Trifling, insignificant

Tangible ~ Concrete, definite

Umbrage ~ Chagrin, offense

Utterly ~ Completely, entirely

Uncouth ~ Boorish, clownish

Urgent ~ Crucial, important, imperative

synonyms list

Synonyms List With V, W, X, Y And Z

Victory ~ Triumph, win, success

Vanity ~ Conceit, pretension

Vouch ~ Confirm, consent

Vain ~ Arrogant, egoistic

Venerable ~ Esteemed, honored

Vicious ~ Corrupt, obnoxious

Vivid ~ Eloquent, lucid

Valiant ~ Courageous, brave, heroic

Virtue ~ Ethic, morality

Vague ~ Unclear, obscure, indistinct

Valor ~ Bravery, prowess

Vacant ~ Unoccupied, empty

Worn ~ Used, impaired, old

Winsome ~ Beautiful, comely

Win ~ Triumph, succeed, prevail

Wilt ~ Wither, perish

Wile ~ Trickery, artifice

Wild ~ Uncivilized, savage, reckless

Wield ~ Exert, employ

Wicked ~ Vicious, immoral

Wholehearted ~ Earnest, sincere

Weary ~ Tired, fatigued, lethargic

Wary ~ Cautious, circumspect

Wane ~ Decline, dwindle

Yoke ~ Connect, harness

Zeal ~ Eagerness, fervor

Zest ~ Delight, enthusiasm


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