LLB 5 years syllabus LLB 5 years syllabus 2nd year (Part 2) Punjab University
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LLB 5 years part II (2) Syllabus/Course outline
Paper-I: English-II
Total Marks: 100
1. Stories of Ourselves. Cambridge University Press.
2. Essay Writing
3. Reading and Comprehensive
Text Books:
Stories of Ourselves, Cambridge University Press.
Books recommended for B.A. Syllabus
1. The Moving Finger(1899) Edith Wharton
2. Sredni Vashtar (1912) SAKI (Hector Hugh Munro)
3. The Prison (1950) Bernard Malamud
4. Billennium (1961) J.G. Ballard
5. Report on the Threatened City (1972) Doris Lessing
6. The Stoat (1978) John Megahern
7. The Bath (1983) Janet Frame
8. Elephant (1988) Raymond Carver
9. Real Time (2002) Amit Chaudhuri
10. The Contest (2005) Annie Proulx
Paper-II: Pakistan Studies
1. Ideology of Pakistan Definition of Ideology ….ideology of Pakistan, Two Nation Theory
2. Aims and Objectives of the creation of Pakistan
3. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Ideology of Pakistan
4. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan
5. History and background of Pakistan’s Ideology Impact of Islam
6. National Services of Mujadad Alaf Thani
7. Milli Services of Hazrat Shah Waliullah,
8. Syed Ahmad Shaheed-1757 to 1875 Era of East India Company
9. Educational sand Religious Movements Aligarh Movement, Darul Aloom Dauband,
10. Nadwat ul Ullma, Hamait-i-Islam etc. & Hindu Revivalist Movements
11. Era of Political Awareness Urdu Hindi Controversy-Separate Electorate, Division of Bangal 1905
12. Simla Deputation 1906-Formation of Muslim League 1906, Minto Moreley Reforms (1909)
13. Political of Compromise and Conflicting Lukhnow Pact 1916-Reforms 1919- Khilafat Movement,
14. Nehro Report 1928-Fourteen Points of Jinnah 1929 etc.
15. Final Struggle for Pakistan Allama Iqbal Address 1930, Roundtable Conferences 1930-31,32
16. Government Act of 1935, Congress Ministries – Dark Period for Muslims 1937-39
17. Pakistan Resolution 1940
18. Major Events from 1940 to 1946
19. Cabinet Mission Plan 1946
20. 3rd June 1947 Partition Plan, Red Cliff Award
21. The Creation of Pakistan and its Initial Problems
22. Parliamentary Democracy-I
Quaid-I Azam as Governor General
23. Parliamentary Democracy-II
Internal Politics
Foreign Policy during Liaqat Era
24. Parliamentary Democracy Till the Dissolution of First Constituent Assembly
Kh. Nazim-ud-Din
Muhammad Ali Bogra
Bogra Formula
Causes of Decline of Muslim Leaque
25. Constitution Making in Pakistan
The Objectives Resolution
Bogra Formula
26. Failure of the Political Government
Soharawardy Ministry
Failure of Parliamentary Democracy
27. The Controlled Democracy- The Ayub Era (1958-1969)
Indo- Pak War
Tashkent Declaration
Decline of President Ayub
Causes of the decline of President Ayub
The Constitution of 1962
28. Martial Law Again
Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan (1969-1971)
29. Separation of East Pakistan
Election 1970. Causes of War 1971
30. The New Pakistan
Z.A Bhutto His Rise and Fall
The Constitution of 1973
Bhutto’s Foreign Policy Simla Accord
Domestic Affairs
Election 1977
31. The Longest Martial Law
The Zia Regime (1977-1988)
32. Review of Democracy
Bezagir Bhutto 1988-1990-1993-96
33. Nawaz Sharif
34. Pervaiz Mushraf Martial Law
35. Current Government
1. A text book of Pakistan Studies by Dr. Muhammad Sarwar
2. Pakistan Studies by Ikram Rubani
3. Towards of Pakistan by Dr. Waheed-uz-Zamman United Publisher
4. Ideological Orientation of Pakistan by Sharif ul Mujahid 1976.
Paper-III: Political Science-II
Text Books:
Constitution of China
The Constitution of Turkey
Constitution of Switzerland
Constitution of Malaysia
Paper-IV: Sociology-II
Total Marks: 100.
Paper-V: Introduction to Legal Systems
Book Recommended:
1. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan by Hamid Khan published by OXFORD
2. Global Legal Sysetms and Constitutional Libretto in Pakistan by Naeemullah Khan, published by
Manzoor Law Book House
3. Constitutional and Administrative Law by Wade and Phillips
4. Legal Text of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Paper-VI: I.T. Skills
Total Marks: 40
with arithmetic expressions, data sorting, Ascending order and descending order, Multi order
sorting. Query data through filters, Apply Filters, Custom Filters, Pivot table analysis, Graphs and
chart types. Print views.
Network Basics:
Networking, Network types, LAN, WAN, MAN, GAN, network protocols, LAN, card, Network
topologies, Bus, Star, ring an mesh topology, Modulation and demodulation, Introduction to
internet, concept of search engines, How to write good queries on search engines. Site search,
range search, stocks search, definition sear5ch, synonym search, AND and OR search operators,+
and – as search operators. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, Email, HTTP,
Search engines, Web Portals, Browsing throw E-Government and E-Business sites.
Reference Material:
Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2014, Mc Graw Hill 2014.
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