Differentiate between; 1). Nationality and Domicile. 2). Domicile and Citizenship. 3). Nationality and citizenship. LLB Notes


Differentiate between;1). Nationality and Domicile.2). Domicile and Citizenship.3). Nationality and citizenship.

1. Distinction Between Nationality and Domicile;-

As we know that nationality is the relation of the person with the state which provides him protection and all rights annexed thereto. While at the other hand domicile is place of residence of person. In other words due to nationality a person becomes the member of that community while domicile is merely the land where he has residence. Nationality may be acquired due to domicile. For such acquisition of nationality different states have different laws.

2. Distinction Between Domicile and Citizenship;-

The most unique distinction between domicile and citizenship is that domicile connotes the civil rights of a person while citizen ship is a political status of a person. In other words a person having domicile may not be called citizen of a state, because he only enjoys certain general civil rights in the consequence of his domicile. While a citizen of a state enjoys all civil as will as political rights of that state. The reason is that in case of domicile the person is merely affiliated with the state by tie of his residence in that state, but in case of citizenship the person has a political tie with the state and the
state, that is to say, the state’s policy will affect his political life.

3. Distinction Between Nationality and Citizenship;-

As it obvious that nationality is a relation of a person with the nation of which he has nationality while at the other hand citizenship is the relation of a national with the law of the state. In other words national enjoys certain legal rights while citizen enjoys absolute rights in the state. So, nationality may be the subject of international law as well as, municipal law, while at the other hand citizenship is the exclusive subject of municipal law.

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