Trust Act 1882 pakistan pdf free download

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Trust Act 1882 pakistan pdf 

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About Trist Act 1882

The Trust Act 1882 (“Act”) was enacted to define and amend the law relating to private trusts and trustees. It extends to the whole of Pakistan.
But nothing herein contained affects the rules of five [Muslim] law as to waqf, or the mutual relations of the members of an undivided family as determined by any customary or personal law, or applies to public or private religious or charitable endowments, or to trusts to distribute prizes taken in war among the captors; and nothing in the second chapter of this Act applies to trusts created before the enactment of this act.

The act was passed by British India and was applicable in Pakistan after partition.

The rules relating to trusts are contained in the Trusts Act 1882. It came into force on 1st day of March 1882 and extends to the whole of Pakistan. The Trusts Act 1882 deals with private trusts. It does not discuss the rules of Islamic Law relating to waqaf.

A trust is purely equitable obligations and is enforceable only in a court in which equity is administered. The most distinctive feature of a trust is that it is not issuing out of the land but as a thing collateral to it. It is not a Jus in for it is not a legal property.

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