Rights and duties /liabilities of partners LLB Notes


Rights of Partners:

Broadly, the provisions of the Act regarding rights, duties and powers of partners are as under:

(a) Every partner has a right to take part in the conduct and management of business.

(b) Every partner has a right to be consulted and heard in all matters affecting the business of the partnership.

(c) Every partner has a right of free access to all records, books and accounts of the business, and also to examine and copy them.

(d) Every partner is entitled to share the profits equally.

(e) A partner who has contributed more than the agreed share of capital is entitled to interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. But no interest can be claimed on capital.

(f) A partner is entitled to be indemnified by the firm for all acts done by him in the course of the partnership business, for all payments made by him in respect of partnership debts or liabilities and for expenses and disbursements made in an emergency for protecting the firm from loss provided he acted as a person of ordinary prudence would have acted in similar circumstances for his own personal business.

(g) Every partner is, as a rule, joint owner of the partnership property. He is entitled to have the partnership property used exclusively for the purposes of the partnership.

(h) A partner has power to act in an emergency for protecting the firm from loss, but he must act reasonably.

(i) Every partner is entitled to prevent the introduction of a new partner into the firm without his consent.

(J) Every partner has a right to retire according to the Deed or with the consent of the other partners. If the partnership is at will, he can retire by giving notice to other partners.

(k) Every partner has a right to continue in the partnership.

(l) A retiring partner or the heirs of a deceased partner are entitled to have a share in the profits earned with the aid of the proportion of assets belonging to such outgoing partner or interest at six per cent per annum at the option of the outgoing partner (or his representative) until the accounts are finally settled.

Duties of Partners:

(a) Every partner is bound to diligently carry on the business of the firm to the greatest common advantage. Unless the agreement provides, there is no salary.

(b) Every partner must be just and faithful to the other partners.

(c) A partner is bound to keep and render true, proper, and correct accounts of the partnership and must permit other partners to inspect and copy such accounts.

(d) Every partner is bound to indemnify the firm for any loss caused by his willful neglect or fraud in the conduct of the business.

(e) A partner must not carry on competing business, nor use the property of the firm for his private purposes. In both cases, he must hand over to the firm any profit or gain made by him but he must himself suffer any loss that might have occurred.

(f) Every partner is bound to share the losses equally with the others.

(g) A partner is bound to act within the scope of his authority.

(h) No partner can assign or transfer his partnership interest to any other person so as to make him a partner in the business.

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