How the President of USA is elected/ Election procedure of US President;-

Introduction: -
The U.S Constitution provides for the presidential form of Govt. the farmers of the U.S Constitution spent a lot of time in deciding upon the method of electing the president. After a good deal of discussion they adopted a plan of indirect election of the President by electoral college which is now embodied in Article II, sections 1, 2 and 3 of Constitution.Qualifications for the President;-
The Constitution imposes three tests on a candidate the presidency.a. Age;-
A candidate must not be less than 35 years of age.b.Citizenship;-
A candidate must be natural born citizen of the U.S.A.c. Residence;-
He has resided in the country for at least 14 years before his electiond.Member of congress;-
He is not a member of the congress.
Mode of Election;-
The mode of election of U.S President is the indirect on the constitution provided that the president should be elected by an electoral college consisting of as many presidential electors as is the number of members in both the House of the congress.Stages of Presidential Election;-
In practice there are following stages of the election of U.S President.a. Nomination of Presidential Candidates;-
The candidates are the presidency are nominated by the parties. Since 1832, the two major parties i.e the Democrats and the republicans have established the practice of choosing their representatives at national conventions.b. Campaign;-
After the nominations of the Presidential Candidates and their subsequent election by their respective party conventions, nation-wide presidential campaign starts.The parties set up national and states committees and open headquarters in two great cities.
Each party issues a campaign text-book which contains the party platform, the biographies of the candidates and other material required for propaganda purpose.